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II. 2. The interrelatedness of constructivist learning theory and project-based pedagogy

Project-based pedagogy has its roots in constructivist theory. It is aimed at ’holism’, a better understanding of natural systems and their properties and believes in the development of cognitive-based emotions and attitudes. Project-based pedagogy does not intend to describe  skills and competences generally, independently of their content and context, but, it believes in the existence of an exceptionally complex natural, ecological system, which can be used to teach environmental awareness and the ability to do complex activities to individuals. Due to the constructivist approach project-based pedagogy argues for alternative world views and it investigates and teaches their adaptivity. It does not believe in general and eternal values; the sustainable development of the biosphere, for example, is considered a value, which has been construed by human society.

Several characteristic features of PBL are based on Constructivist approach. These are as follows:

When discussing the main characteristics of constructivist learning theory it has been pointed out the prior knowledge plays an important role in the learning process.  When doing some kind of project work the first step is to use techniques including brainstorming, concept-mapping or mind-mapping to find out as much as possible about the learners’ prior knowledge of the given topic. (For further details see Unit VI). Project goals are determined on the basis of learners’ prior knowledge. Then, the children’s concrete tasks within the project mainly depend on their personal interests.  When working on their tasks they are supposed to design their own learning process, decide what information source they are going to use. In the meantime there are possibilities for their skills and competences to develop.

(For further information on the development of skills and competences see Unit III.)

In addition, the holistic nature of PBL is also based on constructivist principles.