„Ágazati felkészítés a hazai ELI projekttel összefüggő képzési és K + F feladatokra” című

TÁMOP-4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV-2012-0005 azonosító-jelű pályázatán belül elkészített oktatási anyag:


Műszaki tervezés a fotonikában/Technical drawing in Photonics (Teljes kurzus)



Lesson 1

Necessity of technical (engineering) drawings.

Standards of technical (engineering) drawings.



Lesson 2

Primitive notions of geometric space. Base techniques of drawing.



Lesson 3

Drawing of regular polygons.

Perimeter of a circle.



Lesson 4


Drawing of a parabola.

Drawing of a hyperbola.



Lesson 5

Drawing of an ellipse. Approximate ellipse.

Drawing of a spiral and approximate spiral.

Involute (evolvent).



Lesson 6

Drawing of different cycloids.



Lesson 7

Primitive notions of geometric space.

Projecting space onto a plane. Orthogonal projection. The double orthogonal projection system (descriptive geometry).

Projection of a point. Projection of a line. Representation of a plane.



Lesson 8

Point on a line. Point on a plane. Line on a plane. Intersection of a line and a plane. Intersection of two planes.



Lesson 9

Drawing of simple solids. Transformation of a projection plane. Determining the real object dimensions.



Lesson 10

Sectioning solids. Interpenetration of solids.



Lesson 11

Cross-sectional views.




Lesson 12

Axonometric projections.



Lesson 13

Drawing in AutoCAD. Basic drawing creation.



Lesson 14

Plane drawing (2D) in AutoCAD. Dimensioning.



Lesson 15

Spatial drawing (3D) in AutoCAD.