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Exercise 2

Rewrite the sentences

Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

  1. They finally found a garage to service their car.
    They finally got ...
  2. It's time you had your hair cut.
    Your hair needs ...
  3. "How about visiting the Royal Palace," the guide said.
    The guide suggested ...
  4. It is known that Portuguese grammar is very complicated.
    Portuguese grammar ...
  5. She is believed to be renting a flat with her cousin.
    It ...
  6. They are opening a new museum this evening.
    A new museum is ...
  7. A woman answered the door. She was about forty years old.
    The woman ...
  8. They had painted Tom's apartment before he moved in.
    Tom ...
  9. They assumed Lucy had left the day before.
    Lucy was ...
  10. People will often laugh at him.
    He ...
  11. You need a good sleep. You don't need anything else.
    What you ...
  12. Nick was the first person who noticed the fire.
    It was ...
  13. His leg was broken in a car crash.
    He ...
  14. It is believed that coffee was discovered by a goat herder named Kaldi.
    The person who is ...
  15. I only noticed that my glass was broken when I filled it.
    Only ...