The Role of English_egybe

The Role of English in Higher Education. Proceedings of the International Seminar. ESP and CLIL – Current Drivers of HEI Internationalisation, 11–12 March 2021


Szerkesztette: Bakti Mária – Juhász Valéria – Erdei Tamás
ISBN: 978-615-5946-38-7
Kiadási év: 2021.
Formátum és terjedelem: e-book
A kiadvány ingyenesen letölthető innen:



This volume is a collection of papers delivered at the online International Seminar ESP and CLIL – Current Drivers of HEI Internationalisation, which was the closing event of the Visegrád 4+ project CLIL-HET. Papers introduce the results of the CLIL-HET project, discuss the role of ESP and EAP in higher education, and examine the place of ESP and CLIL in teacher training. The editors and authors hope that the lessons learnt and the good practices shared in this volume will contribute to the deepening of the internationalisation of higher education in the V4+ countries and in other parts of the world.