János S. Petőfi - Imre Békési - László Vass

            1. The main sections of the framework can be summarised as follows (cf.: Fig. 1.):

Macrolevel textual disciplines
textological disciplines
Disciplines of the interdisciplinary foundation

Fig. 1.

            A. Disciplines of the interdisciplinary foundation:

Philosophy, semiotics, communication theory, psychology, sociology / anthropology, disciplines of formal methodologies, disciplines of empirical methodologies (as basic fundamental disciplines); if necessary, other disciplines can be added to this group.
            B1. Related textological disciplines:
Traditionally: poetry, rhetoric, narrativic, stylistics, aesthetics; one of the main tasks of textological research is to explore the relationship between those disciplines and the textological models / theories and, as a consequence, to redefine the scope of the related textological disciplines.
        B2. Textological models/theories:
This group consists of disciplines dealing with texts as complex signs; the knowledge these disciplines use comes from linguistics, text linguistics, textology, and, inevitably, our general knowledge about the world.
        B3. Linguistic disciplines:
This group consists of linguistic disciplines in the narrow sense which study language as a system and the use of its elements on the one hand; in this framework, special attention should be paid to the linguistic study of sentences or arrays / blocks of sentences (if the latter can be defined at all, the question is how this definition could be achieved), and of metric-rhythmic structure of poems as a system, etc. On the other hand, this group consists of text linguistic disciplines which study relations between text sentences of texts that can be explored using linguistic tools.
        C. Macrolevel textual disciplines:
This group consists of disciplines which use the results of textological models and their ‘lateral’ disciplines (i.e. related textological disciplines and linguistic disciplines) in particular fields.
        2. The disciplinary framework of the research on textology functions as a ‘coordinate system’ where semiotic textological models / theories created with the aim of covering every aspect of ‘text competence’ can be effectively placed in. Here are some questions that can be answered within this framework:
(a) what sort of textological models / theories can be created at
(b) which semiotic textological model / theory can meet all
     needs of different applications (that is, macrolevel textual
(c) how can a specific semiotic textological model / theory
     co-operate with the related textological disciplines and how
     does it affect their structure;
(d) how can a specific semiotic textological model / theory
     co-operate with the linguistic disciplines and how does it
     affect their structure;
(e) what are those fundamental interdisciplinary topics the
     results of which should be taken into consideration in
     creating a specific semiotic textological model / theory.

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Semiotic Textology