


Integrated programmes for lower primary teacher training

No. 94320 - CP - 1 - 2001 - 1 – HU-COMENIUS – C21

9. Communication skills training (HU)






School success of pupils with social disadvantages is hugely influenced by their communication skills and thinking strategies. That is why we have found it important to compile a set of methodologically important exercises for lower primary teachers that help them develop the communication skills of their pupils in a school setting.

The content of this module is of two parts. In the first part there is a theoretical introduction. The reader can have a short introduction to the theoretical backgrounds of effective skills development practice. Here we emphasise the psychological, linguistic and educational foundations of direct human communication, mother tongue communication, discussions as an educational device and learning cycle based on own experience. The second part of the module is a collection of exercises, accompanied by methodological recommendations for the interested educators.

The methods presented in this module complete the set of tools educators have in public education and enable them to be part of the development of a disadvantaged pupil, in addition to the work of relevant professionals and professional institutes.

According to our experiences, teacher training in most European countries does not offer this kind of skills development practice for their students. We take an invaluable step by developing mother tongue communication, which increases equal opportunities within the given nation.



Conceptual umbrella


Communication skills training for the support of socially disadvantaged children

        Communication in the mother tongue

        Linguistic communication

        Means of direct human communication

        The importance of stories in communication skills development

        The role of communication in the development of children’s intellectual skills

        Discussion as a form of speech assisting learning

        Folk tale as a unique story

        The development of interpersonal intelligence

        The learning cycle applicable during the development of communication skills


Communication skills development in practice

        Introduction and recommendations for the application of the exercise book

        Exercises, tasks for college students

        Getting acquainted, needs analysis, “contracting”

        Basic processes of communication

        Verbal communication

        Expression of emotion in verbal communication

        Nonverbal communication

        Communication in the group

        Techniques that help understanding and listening

        Developmental exercises suggested for lower primary pupils

        Familiarising and relaxing games

        Basic communication processes

        Verbal communication

        Expression of emotions, verbal communication

        Nonverbal communication

        Communication in the group

        Techniques that help comprehension and observation


Authors of this volume



Lippai László Lajos, Assistant Professor, Psychologist, Department of Applied Health Sciences, University of Szeged, Juhász Gyula Teachers’ Training College. Subcoordinator of the Communication skills development module.

Rozgonyiné dr. Molnár Emma, College Professor, Department of Hungarian Language, University of Szeged, Juhász Gyula Teachers’ Training College.