Eds. János S. Petőfi - Imre Békési - László Vass
9. Contributions to the disciplinary framework of the research on textology (I)
(373 pages) (1996)

Volumes 9, 10, 11 of Semiotic Textology form a thematic unit in two respects: firstly, the structure of the Studies sections of the volumes is explicitly based on the disciplinary framework that has been outlined briefly in the earlier parts of this prospectus; secondly, there are several papers in the Studies sections which deal with the book Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.


Introduction (9)

Introduction (11)

Papers, Essays (19)

A. Disciplines of the Interdisciplinary Frame (19)
Introduction (19)

Philosophy (27) Semiotics (47) Theory of Communication (77) Psychology (91)
Sociology, Anthropology (91) Formal Methodologies. Using Computers in Text Analysis (135) Empiric Methodologies (169) B. Disciplines of Textology and of its Horizontal Environment (201)

B.1. Associated Disciplines of Textology (201)
Poetics – the Most Universal Discipline of Various Artistic Creation (201)

Prosody (223)
Rethoric (223)
Stylistics (223) B.2. Schools in Textology (249)
B.3. Linguistic Disciplines (249) Overviews, Reviews (265) Bibliographies, Repertories. Ed. by: VASS LÁSZLÓ (311) Miscellanea (343) Subject Index. Ed. by: VASS LÁSZLÓ (347)

Name Index. Ed. by: VASS LÁSZLÓ (355)

List of Contributors (361)




Semiotic Textology