Az angol tanítás innovációi és legújabb módszerei a tanítóképzésben ’e-learning’ segítségével
- Innovations in pre-service education for teaching English through e-learning
- Leírás
- Tartalomjegyzék
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The theories and practices of teaching languages in early childhood in the British culture
- 3. Exploring our current understanding and practice
- 4. Communication-, interactive-centred and problem-, experience-based learning and teaching
- 5. The roles of questions: what, when and how to ask to be able to develop children’s practical and thinking skills
- 6. Strategies of planning to be able to equip children with competences enabling them to think critically and work creatively in the „Life Long Learning” process
- 7. Designing learning activities on the basis of teacher’s and children’s experience, problems and questions
- 8. Learning about the latest toolkits supporting learning
- 9. Designing toolkits, for example, case study toolkit, cooperative and peer review toolkit
- 10. Selecting an aspect of cooperative learning resources to explore
- 11. Recording the outcomes and reflect on what should be done differently next time
- 12. Test questions
- 13. Glossary
- 14. References
- Téma