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2.2.1 E-Learning

 Task 1 Read these definitions then add yours to these ones.

Mixed-mode/blended/resource-based learning – these terms interchangeably describe an approach to education that combines face to face and distance approaches to education. In that an instructor or tutor meets students (either in a face to face mode or through a technological means) and a resource-base of content materials and learning activities is made available to students. In addition, some E-Learning approaches might be used.



E-Learning – the use of various technological tools that are either Web-based, Web-distributed or Web-capable for the purposes of education.[1]

Teachers’ learning needs the power of technology to overcome the limitation of resources methods and time.


Task 2 Read this list of pedagogical principles in relation to e-learning and reflect on how they are dealt with in your context


  • Support of the management
  • Identification of goals
  • Identification of critical factors
  • Material development by applying on-line activities
  • Teachers’ capacity and autonomy to design
  • Taking the parents’ views into consideration
  • Evaluating teachers’ work and effectiveness
  • Reviewing learners’ performance
  • Analysing the impact of e-learning on children’s progress


Task 3 Do you agree with the following views?


Young children should frequently have the following experiences while using the methods of e-learning in early age:


Different views

Yes, because

No, because

Being intellectually engaged, absorbed, challenged



Being engaged in interactions e.g., conversations



Being involved in investigations of their own environment worthy of their interest, knowledge, understanding



Helping others to find out things and to understand them better







Task 4 Explain the meaning of these phases in your teaching



Phases of e learning

In my practice

Taking initial steps to demonstrate activities


Comparing  an object, a person for similarities and differences






Engaging e.g.: taking part in an activity


Expressing, communicating through facial expressions/gestures





Task 5 So far how and for what purposes have you used e-learning methods? Think in what aspects these methods help your learning and teaching young learners.


I have used e-learning for

It helps me

e.g.: sharing ideas with other professionals, planning lessons, finding authentic materials, pictures etc.

e.g.: to get new ideas, information

to experience new methods

to assess my practice

to build relationships

to involve parents and families


Task 6 Try to answer the questions that families already know


  • What have the children done in your classes that surprised you with a new ability or skill?
  • How do the children go about trying out something new?
  • What activities do they really enjoy?
  • How do they react to new challenges and situations?
  • Are young generations ready to go for a full-online learning?

Task 7 Do you share your views about the learning process of the children with their parents?

My experience regarding parents’ reactions


Task 8 Read this list and think through what activities you have used the internet sources for?

Activities I have used

My experience



Listen and watch


Read and draw


Make your e.g.: calendar, your character


Speak and spell


Grammar games/quizzes





Digital competence: IT


Task 9 Detail how e-learning could be used in your EFL classes for young learners.


I have already tried it

I have only ideas about it

It can be a fun time with many e-learning activities.

Learning games online teach kids to recognise, for example, colours, shapes and to concentrate.




Task 10 Find examples of game categories in the internet which you could apply in your language classes and parallel try to design your own activities.


Examples I have found

My ideas and context




Animal games





Art and music games










Health games





Vocabulary games





Spelling games





Playground jigsaw















Keyboard games





Weekly planner





Concentration games





Teaching with visualization

Task 1 What benefits of visualisation can you think of? Do you accept the issues of this list?

 It enhances

  • empathy and social skills
  • intrapersonal intelligence
  • imaginative skills and creativity, and
  • self image