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often used interchangeably; English as a Second Language refers to teaching in countries such as the USA where English is the native language; English as a Foreign Language refers to teaching in countries such as Thailand where English is not the native language

strategies and methods for getting learners to respond or guess (in contrast to the teacher providing all of the information or answers)

Embedded questions
questions that occur within another statement or question and generally follow statement structure
e.g. "I don't know where he went." OR "Can you tell me where it is?"

English for Speakers of other Languages

English for Specific Purposes
e.g. law, medicine, business

Educational Testing Service; a non profit organization that creates and administers standardized assessment tests such as TOEIC and TOEFL

Experiential learning
learning based on actual experience

External examiner
ensures that standards are consistent at higher education level (UK)

a person who assists or supports a learning group that is attempting to perform a task; remains neutral

learning activities and games similar to "warm ups" that fill time when a lesson ends before a class finishes or during a transition period

Form focused task
a teaching method where learners are introduced to one learning item at a time with hopes that mastering each skill will eventually lead to learning a language

Formulaic speech
the use of words or phrases that a learner uses without really understanding the meaning

online discussion boards where learners and teachers can connect

the theory that certain grammatical errors are learned over time (such as the incorrect use of a certain tense) and become a permanent part of a learner's second language (contributing to "interlingua")

a phrase that is incorrectly punctuated as a sentence but does not contain a complete thought

Free practice
time set aside for learners to practise a skill with little direction from the teacher

Functional language
fixed expressions used for specific communications purposes
e.g. language related to "making a suggestion"

Graded reader
a text that has been adapted for language learners and targets a specific level of reader

Grading rubric
a summary of criteria for assessment; includes various levels of achievement for each task or skill

Information gap
a type of activity where the learner must fill in missing information

a language that is a mix between the target language and the mother tongue

Internet-based test (IBT)
a test (often standardized such as TOEFL) that is taken online

Instructional design
development and evaluation of instructional materials and activities