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XI. 2. Cloze test

Insert the words

Insert the words into the text below. There is one extra word.

Realize, social, tasks, technological, environment, prior, planning, research, collaborative.

Because learning is a  (1)  activity, teaching methods can scaffold on students’ (2)  Experiences and include a focus on community and culture. Furthermore, because we live in an increasingly more (3)  and global society, teachers (4)  that they must prepare students not only to think about the new information, but they also must engage them in  (5)  that prepare them for this global citizenship. Based on the developments in cognitive  (6)  and the changing educational  (7) ,   project-based learning gained popularity at the end of the 20th century.  It is important, that students work in small (8)  groups and they find resources, conduct research, and each of them is responsible for learning and completing the tasks successfully.

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