University of Szeged, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education
Department of Hungarian and Applied Linguistics
Contact info:
Address: 6725 Szeged, Hattyas sor 10.
Phone: +36(62) 544-781
Head of Department:
Valeria Juhász, PhD
Educational organizer:
Viktoria Heraszika
About us
History of the Department of Hungarian and Applied Linguistics
The Department of Hungarian and Applied Linguistics at the University of Szeged – originally the Department of Applied Linguistics at the Gyula Juhász Teacher Training College – was founded by Zsolt Lengyel, University Professor, in 1990. The creation of the Department was justified by the need to provide general and applied linguistic studies for a large number of students of English, French, German, Italian and Russian majors. After Professor Zsolt Lengyel, Róbert Zánthó, Associate Professor, became the Head of the Department, then Sergei Tóth, College Professor; the current Head of Department is Juhász Valéria, College Associate Professor.
From 2009 to 2019, Valéria Juhász organized the National Nice Pronunciation Competition for the Faculty round and successfully prepared many students for the Kazinczy Competition as well.
Linguistic disciplines and interdisciplinary education at the Department are provided for the students majoring in linguistics and language and speech development teacher training, broadening their knowledge by developing a linguistic mindset and context.
The current, accredited programs are Master of Applied Linguistics (Humanities) (4 semesters), Language and Speech Development Teacher training (4 semesters), Business Administration specialization (4 semesters). Furthermore, the Department provides the opportunity for non-linguistic students to take a course in native language skills development. Currently the Mother Tongue Education, Reading, Reading and Learning Preparation and Development Research Group is attached to the Department, whose members are Valéria Juhász, Veronika Kálló and Márta Radics.
In addition to teaching and research work, the Department has invited renowned professionals, recognized foreign and Hungarian linguists and guest speakers from time to time (e.g. Sándor Albert, Géza Balázs, János Bauko, V. D. Geraszimova, László Kálmán, János Péntek, János Petőfi S., Vilmos Voigt, etc.), whose lectures have not only broadened our horizons, but have also popularized applied linguistic researches.
Our students are traditionally active participants in the life of the Department: they regularly give thesis presentations, conference presentations, and thus several volumes have been published already, which contain only professional records written by students.
The department also continuously organizes and publishes its own linguistic publications conferences and lays emphasis on mentoring students.
The current staff of the Department are dr. Valéria Juhász, Head of Department, Associate Professor, dr. Éva Basch, Associate Professor, dr. Éva Szabó, Senior Lecturer, Monika Krupa.
Majors and training courses:
Applied Linguistics MA
Language and Speech Development Teacher training course
Head of Department, Associate Professor
Phone: (62) 544-781
Valeria Juhász is a College Associate Professor and the Head of the Department of Hungarian and Applied Linguistics at the Institute of Humanities. She graduated as a Hungarian and English Language Teacher (B.A.) at the Gyula Juhász Teacher Training College and as a Hungarian and English Language and Literature High School Teacher (M.A.) at the predecessor of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Szeged. She is the author and editor of numerous articles, 12 books and workbooks. She regularly gives lectures at national and international conferences, symposiums, as well as postgraduate specialist training courses; she has given several training courses for teachers, kindergarten teachers, and librarians. Her current main fields of research are literary education, reading and reading preparation, teaching and development in early childhood (Juhász, Kálló and Radics: Mother Tongue Education, Preparation for Reading and Writing in Preschool and Primary School. JGYF Publishing House, 2019); foreign language education for children with special needs (Juhász – Juhász: Foreign language education for people with learning difficulties. Online curriculum. SZTTK Publishing House, 2005; ENgaGe-project digital curriculum development: self-study-course /; Be the Best 1st, 2nd, 3rd English Literature Workbook Series, Mozaik Publishing, 2010, 2012, 2013). Her previous research field, the topic of her PhD dissertation, is gender and language use (Juhász and Kegyes: Gender and Language Use JGYF Kiadó, 2011, 2013, 2015). She also deals with content analysis (Máté-Tóth and Juhász: Religious Communities in the Written Press: Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses. JATEPress, 2007). She is a member and council member of several scholarly societies (e.g. HUNRA, HERA, and MANYE), formerly the editor of Methodological Publications, and currently a member of the editorial board of the online journal Mother Tongue Cultural Mediation. Formerly organizer and preparatory teacher of the Faculty round of the National Pronunciation Competition; many of her mentors won the Kazinczy Medal. In 2016, she received Pro Iuventute Certificate of Merit for her work, and in 2017, the Hungarian Reading Association awarded her a Gold Badge. Furthermore she is one of the organizer of the 2018 Student Conference on Infinite Linguistics in Application, Infinite Application in Linguistics. In 2018, the Speech and Language Analysis Software was implemented as a joint event of the Department of Hungarian and Applied Linguistics at the University of Szeged, MANYE and HunCLARIN. On 8th May 2020, she was one of the main organizers of the Communication and Speech Development in Practice International Conference.
Viktoria Heraszika Educational organizer
Phone: (62) 54-4781
Dr. Éva Basch Senior Lecturer
Éva Basch graduated in 1985 at the predecessor of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Szeged, majoring in French and applied linguistics. Since 1985 she has been a lecturer at University of Szeged, currently she is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Hungarian and Applied Linguistics. In 1992, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the syntax and semantics of French impersonal structures. Her current research areas are contrastive linguistics and pragmatics. She was the organizer and mentor of the Faculty round of the national Nice Pronunciation Competition. In 2015, she received a Pro Iuventute Certificate of Merit for her work in education. She was the organizer of the 2018 Student Conference on Infinite Linguistics in Application, Infinite Application in Linguistics, and the editor of the abstract volume and the volume of essays. She is currently the copy editor of the Journal Pedagogical History Review.
Dr. Éva Szabó Senior Lecturer
Dr. Erika Szekeres (PhD) Associate Professor
Mónika Krupa Assistant Lecturer
Major: Applied Linguist
Location of training: 6725 Szeged, Hattyas sor 10.
Program’s area: linguistics
Level of the program: Master
Length of the program: 4 semesters
The main goals: The application of the results of linguistics in everyday practice. Applied linguistics is a discipline that interacts with and is related to many disciplines, and its fields of application are becoming more and more extensive.
Who can apply? Master’s degree for teachers, kindergarten teachers, special education teachers, Hungarian language, language and national language specialists, communication and media studies, Eastern and ancient languages and cultures
For more information please contact Viktoria Heraszika via email at, or call +36 62 544 781
Name of the qualification that can be obtained in the postgraduate specialist training course: Language and speech development teacher training
Location of training: 6725 Szeged, Hattyas sor 10.
Length of the program: 4 semesters
About the training: The aim of this training is to renew the knowledge acquired during the previous studies and achieve new results in education and linguistics, additional linguistic knowledge in order to make teachers suitable for language development activities, to effectively apply the elements of drama pedagogical methods, in both positive and negative directions, in the language development of children with special needs, and be able to cooperate more effectively with the speech therapist, recognize speech defects with confidence, and be able to take part in prevention work.
Who can apply? Qualified teachers, kindergarten teachers, special education teachers. Other required conditions: at least 3 years of pedagogical experience, flawless speech performance.
Our program provides: correspondence course
Forms of finance: Self-financing
Application fee: HUF 2,000 which must be paid by the check sent by the Registrar’s Office
How to apply? Via the application form used by the institution.
Start of the program: September of each year
Tuition fee of Self-financing: HUF 120,000 per semester. For more information please contact Viktoria Heraszika via email at, or call +36 62 544 781
Recent books of the department
Határtalan nyelvészet alkalmazásban, határtalan alkalmazás a nyelvészetben 2. (Infinite linguistics in application, infinite application in linguistics 2.)
Éva Basch – Tamás Erdei – Valeria Juhász
The Role of English in Higher Education
Mária Bakti–Valéria Juhász–Tamás Erdei (editors)
Kommunikáció- és beszédfejlesztés a gyakorlatban (Communication and Speech Development in Practice)
Valeria Juhász – Hedvig Sulyok – Éva Basch – Tamás Erdei (editors)
Anyanyelvi nevelés, írás-olvasás előkészítés óvodás- és kisiskoláskorban (Mother Tongue Education, Preparation for Reading and Writing in Preschool and Primary School.)
Valeria Juhasz – Veronika Kallo – Márta Radics (editors)
Határtalan nyelvészet alkalmazásban, határtalan alkalmazás a nyelvészetben (Infinite linguistics in application, infinite application in linguistics)
Hedvig Sulyok – Valeria Juhász – Tamás Erdei
Beszéd- és nyelvelemző szoftverek (Speech and language analysis software for competitiveness and equal opportunities)
Éva Basch – Hedvig Sulyok – Tamás Erdei
Conferences and programs:
- Education in a changing world conference, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, 2022.05.26–27.
- Awareness in communication National professional and methodological conference, Eger, 2022.05.20–21.Awareness in communication National professional and methodological conference, Eger, 2022.05.20–21.
- SZANYÉK 2022, SZTE JGYPK, 2022.05.06.
Creative writing workshop, SZTE JGYPK, 2022.05.05.
The impact of social media on linguistic and visual communication – Media, identity, locality scientific conference, SZTE JGYPK, 2022. 04. 06.
VII. Special Treatment International Interdisciplinary Conference, Debrecen, 2022.02.08.
Developing native language skills with games, EGYMI, 2021.06.24.
Nice speaking competition, SZTE JGYPK, 2022.04.28.
- Mapping the CLIL language competences of Disciplinary Teachers. In: International Seminar. ESP and CLIL – Current Drivers of HEI Internationalisation, Visegrád, 2021.03.11–12.
XIII. Applied Linguistics Conference, Miskolc, 2021.02.04.
Media, community, history online scientific conference, SZTE JGYPK, 2021. 03.19.
- Infinite linguistics in application, infinite application in linguistics 2. Student conference, SZTE JGYPK, 2021.11.06.
- Arena of communication conference, SZTE JGYPK online, 2020.11.06.
- Communication and speech development in practice international conference, SZTE JGYPK, 2020. 05.08.
- Infinite linguistics in application, infinite application in linguistics 2. Student conference, SZTE JGYPK, 2020. 02.07.
- Reading conference of Neumann János University and the Hungarian Reading Society, Kecskemét, 2019.11.28–29.
- XIX. National Conference on Education, Pécs, 2019.11.7–9.
- How to translate the untranslatable? – Prof. Dr. Sándor Albert performance, SZTE JGYPK, 2019.10.16.
- Autumn conference of the Brunszvik Teréz Hungarian Kindergarten Teachers’ Association, Kishegyes, 2019.10.04.
- VI. Hungarian Interdisciplinary Humor Conference, Eger, 2019.103–4.
- 5th International Conference of Applied Linguistics Languages and People: Communication in a Multilingual World 2019. Vilnius 2019.09.26–28.
- CLIL-HET meeting, SZTE JGYPK, 2019.08.22–23.
- The 18th Nordic Literacy Conference & The 21st European Conference on Literacy, Copenhagen, 2019.08.4–7.
- 4th International Pedagogic and Linguistic ERL CONFERENCE, Craiova, 2019.06.17–18.
- Challenges for public and higher education in the 21st century in Central and Eastern Europe in the light of educational reforms International Scientific Conference, Beregszász, 2019.03.28–29.
- Language transmission in the age of digitization – linguistic conference 2019. Miskolc, 2019.01.23.
- Infinite linguistics in application, infinite application in linguistics 1. Student conference, SZTE JGYPK, 2018.11.30.
- Creative writing, creative reading – Zoltán Bene performance, SZTE JGYPK, 2018.11.27.
- Development of non-cognitive skills in the light of labor market needs”: Conference, SZTE JGYPK, 2018.11.22.
- ENGaGe meeting, Warsaw, 2018.11.14.
- XVIII. National Conference on Education Conference, SZTE JGYPK, 2018.11.8–10.
- Treasury of special education – regional professional conference, SZTE JGYPK, 2018.11.07.
- Speech and language analysis software for competitiveness and equal opportunities, Conference, SZTE JGYPK, 2018.10.19.
- 3rdInternational Pedagogic and Linguistic ERL Conference, Vilnius, 2018.06.14–15
- ENGAGE project, Brno, 2018.04.27.