Dyslexic learners (DLs) represent a group of learners with special educational needs typically educated, in line with EU and local legislation, in integrated classes in most European countries, including the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and the UK. However, teachers often lack the awareness, training and resources to cater for DLs’ special needs in mixed-ability classes. This gap was revealed by earlier projects, DysTEFL 1-2 and CalDys2, on which ENGaGE intends to build. Although there are some English resources designed for DLs on the international market, materials in German are scarce, and there are no bilingual learning materials for individual learner or differentiated classroom use to provide targeted support for DLs in the countries (Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland) for which this task bank has been designed. To cater for this educational need, the project aims to produce a flexible, thematically organised digital task bank in English and German for DLs participating in integrated primary school education from year 4 to 8, ages 10-14, up to language level A2 (according to CEFR). The task bank will contain skills development tasks addressing the difficulties of DLs, graded tasks providing alternative solutions to assignments, as well as open-ended individual and group project tasks which encourage a task-based approach and cooperative learning. ENGaGE will be based on a multilingual and multicultural approach providing native language support in the languages of, and (inter)cultural content related to, the target countries: Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. Screenager, the digital surface hosting the material, is an innovative, teacher-operated educational platform. It provides a multisensory approach to learning with more than ten task types and the possibility to integrate a wide variety of materials such as games, videos, pictures, word documents and pdf files, as well as a monitoring function for teachers to follow and shape learner progress individually.
Grant agreement number: KA2-KO-77-5/2017
Complete document: Project summary