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Straight underhand serve

It is the simplest type of serve, which can be easily used in the game of beginning students. The straight underhand serve has two versions, but the main difference is that in the first case, the ball tossed for the hit is hit by the server in the falling phase; in the other case, the server hits it in the rising phase. If the “falling” ball is hit after it has been tossed, the player stands in aslant straddle, and the foot opposite the hitting hand is ahead. The trunk is slightly bent forward, the knees are bent, and the hand holding the ball is in front of the shoulder of the hitting arm. The student is looking at the ball. For the contact surface, a spoon form is made from the palm, in order to form a safe hitting surface. The ball is hit with closed fingers and a stretched palm. The serve starts by stretching the knee and tossing the ball. The hitting arm moves back into a slant back position; meanwhile we toss the ball 20-30 cm high in front of us. The body weight shifts onto the front foot, the arm quickly moves ahead and we hit the ball at the hip’s level. After the ball contact the arm moves on. If the ball is hit in the rising phase, the hitting arm is moved ahead almost simultaneously, and so it can happen that the player hits the ball, with the palm formed as described above, when it is still rising. From the point of teaching, both versions are simple; the students’ character can decide which one is used.

The exercise is available at the link below.


  • Knee bending with the ball in hand, meanwhile the hitting hand moves back; then, stretching the knee, the hitting hand is quickly moved forward toward the ball. The ball is only touched by the hitting hand. The correct hitting surface must be formed when moving the arm. 
  • The above exercise with the ball, but the hitting hand already hits the ball, which is slightly tossed, with the formed hitting surface. We let the ball bounce on the ground.
  • In pairs, not far from each other, passing the ball to the partner by hitting it in the air after tossing it.
  • The above exercise from an increased distance; we can put a high jump board between the two players, and they try to pass the ball to their partner above that.
  • At the net, standing behind the attack line, a straight hit to the partner.
  • Serve from an increased distance, performing it for the blowing of the whistle.
  • Serve onto a target – serve onto a given area as a competition: who can serve more onto the given area.