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Szakirodalom, hivatkozások, ajánlások

Beech (2012): Disability Awareness Through Language Arts and Literacy. Resources for Prekindergarten and Elementary School. Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc.

Boldizsár (2010): Meseterápia, Magvető Kiadó, Budapest

Favazza - Odom (1997): Promoting positive attitudes of kindergarten-age children toward people with disabilities In: Exceptional Children 1997. 63(3)

Harp és Gallagher (1984): Understanding Handicaps through Reading: An Annotated Bibliography of Children's Books Since 1975. Department of Education, Washington, DC.

Lovász (2006): A mesélő ember. In Bálint (szerk): Közelítések a meséhez, Didakt Kiadó, Budapest