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Aquafitness: target groups

Aquafitness has a life- time feature meaning, that everybody can do it, independently of age and sex.

Consequently, this type of recreational activity has a broad target market, since it can be recommended for children, as well as  adults, for swimmers and for those, who cannot swim. Swimming skills are not necessary for participation in the training sessions: most exercises are performed in not too-deep, chest-high water.   In case training sessions are organized in deeper water, special belts are used by all participants. This way those can also use the beneficial effects of water on health, who cannot swim.

„Aquafitness programmes are beneficial for those, too, who suffer from joint diseases and because of this doing land-based exercises would be painful for them. When doing aerobic exercises in water due to the bouyancy of the water everybody weighs only 3.6% of his or her original weight, so, it is easier for the joints. Thus all types of exercises, which are traditionally performed in nature or in gyms, including running, walking, cross-country skiing, or even dancing, people can do in water without putting strain on their joints.  The elderly can also benefit from exercising in water, although, in addition to joint diseases they may suffer from other health problems, too. Regular aquafitness training sessions may prevent conditions such as osteoporosis, spinal deformation, muscular atrophy, myasthenia, or, in case of diafnosed diseases it can be part of rehabilitation programmes. The exercises are easy to learn and to do, so, the elderly can also use this type of sports without the risk of straining their heart, muscles or joints.

Fatness and obesity have by now become a widespread disease threatening an increasing a large number of people from the very young to the elderly.  Overweight people, who in general have difficulties with doing exercies, should pay a special attention not to strain their joints. This aim can only be achieved if they exercise in water.  Water aerobic sessions are especially suitable for improving cardiorespiratory endurance, a condition, that serves to prevent heart attack and several diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are common in overweight or obese people. This type of exercises can also be recommended for injured people and for those who suffer from muscular atrophy.  Sportspeople and dancers can use aquafitness, too, to complement their basic training programme.  Aquafitness exercises are efficiently used in therapeutic gymnastics with scoliotic adults and children or with those patients who simply want to improve their body posture.  Aquafitness training uses many exercises which are aimed to build the major muscles of the torso, including the gluteus maximus, the abdominal muscles and the vertebral muscles. Body stability, as well as correct body posture are primarily dependent on these muscles. When doing aquafitness exercises in deep water a special belt holds the body in an erect position, so, each single exercise serves to strengthen the muscles of the torso. Finally, aquafitness training sessions can be recommended for all those, who like being in water, who enjoy good company and who are open to try out new activities. Aquafitness develops conditioning and coordination skills, simultaneously and thoroughly moves all major muscle groups of the body and results in improved strength and flexibility. Aquafitness is gentle on the muscles and achieves the state of fitness independently of age, sex and the individual’s level of fitness. I does not lead to muscle strain..For further information see:

Aquafitness has two main versions: shallow water and deep water aquafitness. Those people who want to do aquafitness may choose the version which is the best for them. This is one of the main reasons why it is suitable for all age groups and for people with specific problems, too. In addition, since aquafitness is a relatively young type of sports, based on specialized literature and on the offer of individual fitness clubs, it has a growing number of varieties, including aqua aerobics, or, as it is sometimes called, water aerobics, aqua jogging, aqua step, aqua box, aquakick, aqua pilates and aqua relax. Source:

It is difficult to differentiate between water gymnastics and aquafitness because they are very similar to each other.  Both types of exercises can be done in chest-high or in deep water, and both of them use the same kind of equipment. Although, some minor differences can be detected between them. Aquafitness exercises are performed with music and the exercises are more dynamic and rhythmic; water gymnastics is without music. Another difference is, that while aquafitness sessions include water gymnastic exercises, water gymnastics is based on the exercises of traditional gymnastics.