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Taking a relaxing sauna

Maximum time people are supposed to be in the sauna is 15 minutes/occasion.

In order to take a relaxing sauna it is ideal to use it 3 or 4 times, on one occasion, one after the other. Attention should be paid to the cooling and relaxing stages as well. It is worth having a 25 -30 minute break between the individual stages, including the cooling period. If the break is longer than that the result is going to be less satisfactory. On the other hand, it  is not recommendable to have a nap between the indvidual sauna stages.

Our bodies are the best counsellors. If our heart beats fast, we have to wait a bit longer. Taking a sauna actually means our own mental and physical rejuvenation; we are not supposed to meet other people’s standards. Taking a sauna does not mean pure survival.

It is to be considered that the length of the time we spend in the sauna is always dependent on the individual and his or her health condition. A person’s endurance also depends on the quality of his or her sleep, stress level, and on his or her not yet manifest diseases.  Briefly, the previously stated standard of 15 minutes is not a golden rule, it can be shortened. 

Experienced sauna lovers can take as many as 4-5 sessions in one go. More occasions than this can be too much for the cardiovascular system and might endanger a person’s ion reserves and thus the sauna does not have any beneficial effect on health and fitness. 3 or 4 occasions per week are the best, but daily sauna sessions, on the other hand, are not healthy and thus they are not recommendable.

A one-piece swimsuit is the best piece of clothing. On the other hand synthetic fibres do not allow the body to protect itself from the heat through perspiration and it can lead to stasis. This condition is not good for the skin and, in addition, it may raise body temperature, too, and prevents detoxication. It is unhealthy for the cardiovascular system, too. .

Taking a sauna begins with having a good shower. Sauna bathers have to be aware of chlorous water.

Always enter the sauna cabin with a thoroughly dried body and a dry towel. A sheet is to be placed under the body, including the feet.

A lying position can be recommended: it is the most comfortable for everybody and occasionally it can be changed.

In case of increased heartbeat, uneasiness or dizziness one is upposed to leave the cabin, independently of the time passed.

After taking a sauna always have a shower to remove sweat from the body. After that a cooling period follows.

For further information see website

Bathing culture of high standard can be found in the Mediterranean countries, too. The history of the so-called steam baths goes back to the periods of the ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine Empires, but the fall of these ancient empires and the emergence of the Medieval world meant the end of this culture. It was in the period of the European Renaissance that bathing culture could develop again. It is an interesting fact that in Hungary bathing culture dates back to the period of the Turkish rule.