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Sauna culture in Hungary

Sauna cultura in Hungary is still in its infancy. Even those guests who frequent saunas in Hungary do not know the basic hygienic rules or the medical implications.

Although the saunas in wellness hotels meet the western standards and await guests from all over Hungary and even abroad, due to the lack of proper sauna culture, foreigners do not really enjoy the sauna experience and sooner or later they pack to leave and never return.

Unfortunately there are not too many Hungarian guests using the saunas properly and they are upset when they are crticized for it. What is more, serious conflicts can arise when some guests take their bathing clothes off and enter the saunas wrapped in a single towel.

This text also serves the purpose of popularizing sauna culture in Hungary and we hope that we can also contribute to its recognition as an enjoyable and healthy pastime.

When using the word ’sauna’ most of us think of relaxation, although taking a sauna means much more than this. It can revitalize our mind and body, or it can be used for the purposes of rehabilitation, or as complementary therapy. Saunas can contribute to mental and physical fitness, or, on the contrary,  we can exhaust ourselves by taking a sauna after a tiring day or week,  in order to have a good sleep.