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In the past they were circular rooms covered with marble and in the middle there was a charcoal heater. Bathers sat around it and the burning charcoal, giving out infrared light in a zone of 1.400 nm, -heated up their bodies. Today the radiators are located on the walls, too, and there are sensors are on them, so, the heater begins to work when the bathers sit down. The room has a ceramic cover, the temperature of the air is 60 C and the relative humidity is only 5-20%.
Its use improves blood circulation, intensifies the removal of body waste and strengthens the immune system. Perspiration also helps to relieve stress. Blood pressure and heart beat become regular,  body and mind relax. 15-20 minute stay is recommended.

After using these previously described hot baths the next step is the cooling of the body. The following methods have been used to achieve this aim.