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Awareness of breathing

The awareness of breathing is an importnt component of the teaching process since all the exercises are related to inhalation and exhalation. Correct breathing technique is of utmost significance in the learning process. The learners attention should be called to the fact that when they exhale they blow out the air through their nostrils and mouth, but, when they inhale they do it through their mouths.  


  • Learners stand in chest-high and then neck-high water, they inhale and then exhale.
  • They place a small-size plastic toy or ball on the water in front of them and blow it.
  • They lean above the water and blow a ’hole’ in the air.
  • Practice exhaling underwater.
  • After jumping into the water learners stay underwater and exhale.
  • Learners float while holding onto the rail. They hold their breaths back for 4-5 seconds and then exhale. The time of holding breath back may later be increased.
  • Learners push off from the wall and glide. They hold their breaths for 4-5 seconds then they exhale.